What Should First-Time Buyers Know About Loan Term Length Options

Clarence Robichaux
5 Min Read

As anyone undertaking the exciting mission of purchasing the first home discovers, there are numerous choices to be made. The most important decision that they need to make is selecting the length of term on which they are going to borrow money for a home. 

Choosing of the right term for a loan is sensitive since it will determine whether homeownership is possible or not. The purpose of this blog post is to inform first time buyers on considerations.

They make when it comes to loan term length, the available terms and how one can go about choosing the best term length for his or her needs. So, continue reading before you look for questions to ask for mortgage.

Loan Term Length – The Borrower Needs To Determine

Among the first-time buyers, several important factors are present when seeking the loan term options. One of them is the duration of homeownership. 

For example, while choosing between two homes, if the buyers have a prospect of living in the house for many years, then long-term loans will suit him or her due to lower monthly payments. 

On the other hand, if the buyers have plans of relocating within the next few years, then a short-term loan would suite them though they will have high monthly pay. 

Furthermore, the buyers should think about their financial situation, credit score, and feasibility to arrange a better interest rate. This weight has to be made and taken before choosing particular time when it is possible to repay the loan to reach their goals and balance it with personal circumstances.

Loan Term Comparison

Some first-time mortgage loan terms include the 15-year and 30 years terms long term loans. A 15-year loan means that the interest rate is lower and that the repayment period is also shorter hence huge saving in the long run. 

However, having higher payments on a monthly basis might be tough for some of the buyers to handle. A 30-year term is less expensive because the monthly payment plan is lower than the 15-year term, this makes it easier for first time homeowners. 

However, longer mortgage loan term length also implies high amount of interest charge and this inflate the total cost of home. Besides of asking questions to ask about a mortgage, first-time buyers should assess their ability to save for the down payment and commitment to a long-term plan to the affordability of the costs that come with each term length’s pros and cons.

How To Choose The Right Loan Term Length

First-time buyers can also do the following to identify the most suitable loan term length based on the buyers’ circumstances. Perhaps the first step would be to assess their credit risk levels and the rates at they are ready to lend the funds with great consideration towards the overall interest and term period. 

Another factor that buyers should have in mind when approaching the loan department of the house sellers include the long-term homeownership and duration of this period which will either allow the long-term conventional loan or the short-term propensity loan to suffice. 

To determine different loan term form, it may be wise to use online mortgage calculators by inputting different interest rates and comparing the form of monthly payment. 

Additionally, seeking advice from an independent financial advisor or a mortgage broker is always useful in order to arrive at the proper decision depending on a first-time buyer’s financial abilities.


In summary, choosing an appropriate loan period interest is one of the most important decisions any first-time buyer will make. They should have established some key criterion that will act as a filter for them, such as financial stability, desire, intent of owning a long-term home, and affordability. 

However, higher interest rates can be potential for long-term saving and lower interest rates could mean higher number of months to pay for it. 

Finally, first time buyers have no option but to balance the pros and cons of each loan term option on the basis of their particular personal finance situation. 

Essentially, first-time buyers can avoid the many pitfalls of purchasing a first home through proper research and seeking professional advice to get on the right footing to own a home.

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