Office Decluttering Tips

Clarence Robichaux
4 Min Read

Is your office in need of some cleaning and decluttering? Then, you have come to the right place. These tips will help you to keep your office clean and tidy.

1. Beginner’s Guide to Decluttering

If you are new to decluttering, then it might be hard for you to figure out what to declutter and how. Well, decluttering doesn’t mean you have to get rid of everything to make your space look empty. You can start by pulling all of your stuff out, then lay them on the ground. Afterwards, start going through the stuff, one by one, and ask yourself: “Will I use this thing in a week?” if the answer is yes, then you can keep the said item. If the answer is no, then you have come to the realization that you won’t be needing this thing any time soon, so you can safely discard the stuff, or donate it if it is in good condition. Also, you can get rid of any broken items or stuff that is not usable anymore. You will be surprised how much stuff you declutter, once you follow this simple principle.

2. Set Your Priorities Straight

Parting with things can be a hard thing to do, especially if you let your emotions get in the way. That’s why it is important that you think objectively and neutrally. Letting your emotions take over will prevent you from decluttering. Your brain will automatically assume that everything is of some importance and you shouldn’t part with it just yet. So, what you need to do in this case, is to set priorities. Know what you really want to keep and what to let go of. This will make things a lot easier for you and decluttering will not sound so scary to you.

3. Take Care of Your Cables

One thing that might drive you crazy during a productive work session, includes your tangled cables. Your cables, when they are tangled, can look very messy and it can really throw off the productivity. So, invest in cable dividers, they will keep your cables in place and not get them tangled. And the best part about cable dividers is that they don’t add to the clutter, instead, they can make your workspace look cleaner and neater.

4. Put Everything Where It Belongs

The main reason of clutter is not putting stuff where it belongs in the first place. Make sure wherever you get any important paperwork or receipts, you put them in a proper place. Organizing the papers in a big folder will make sure that you have all that you want in a single place and you will not lose it. Also, it will help you to stay organized and neat. So, allot everything in your office, a home, where you can put stuff and not lose it.

5. Remove Everything That Is Not Needed

As you mostly focus on work, when you will look for unnecessary items laying around, you will be amazed to see dozens of them. Get yourself a junk removal Manhattan service and remove ugly, broken stuff.

Most junk removal Manhattan Beach companies take any item you can think of, so get on a call with them and discuss pricing.


A clean, minimal and organized office helps boosts productivity and prevents you from having meltdowns. So, get up and declutter your office right now!

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